Minimum To Open: The minimum required to open a Money Market account is $2,000.00.
To Earn Interest: The account must have a balance of at least $2,000.00 to earn interest. You must maintain a balance of $2,000.00 in your account each day to earn the disclosed annual percentage yield (APY).
Rate Information: The interest rate and annual percentage yield may change each interest period as determined by the Board of Directors. This is a tiered balance account. Each tier may have the same rate or rates may vary. The balance in the first tier covers $2,000.00 to $24,999.99; the second tier covers $25,000.00 to $74,999.99; the third tier covers $75,000.00 to $124,999.99; the fourth tier covers $125,000.00 to $199,999.99 and the fifth tier covers balances $200,000.00 and above. See current rate schedule for rate and APY. Rates are subject to change without notice.
Daily Balance Computation Method: Interest is calculated on a daily balance method which applies a daily periodic rate to the account balance each day the balance is $2,000.00 or more For calculation purposes, the interest period should never be less than 28 days nor more than 31 days.